Abraham Lincoln Citation Avenir 56+
Honest abe s principles and strength of character is a great inspiration to anyone at any age. Retrouvez toutes les citations de abraham lincoln parmi des citations issues de discours de abraham lincoln d articles d extraits de livres et ouvrages de abraham lincoln.
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Voici pour vous 40 des plus célèbres citations d abraham lincoln. In the modern u s abraham lincoln birthday celebrations are often combined with those of george washington for presidents day in february. Though it only lasted two minutes the gettysburg address eloquently expressed the pressing need to instill the principle of human equality in a divided nation. La meilleure façon de produire l avenir est de le créer. I am not bound to succeed but i am bound to live by the light that i have.Abraham lincoln was pronounced dead on the morning of april 15 1865. Lincoln had an older sister sarah and a brother who died in infancy. Abraham lincoln reste dans les mémoires comme un des plus grands présidents américains et une des personnalités les plus influentes de tous les temps. Une citation d abraham lincoln. Through these powerful abraham lincoln quotes may you find the same strength to withstand hardships and rise above challenges in life.
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