Citation Ange Bible 49+
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Chicago style both parenthetical citation and footnote endnote guidelines. The guidelines for citing the bible were developed by mary sodergren and are maintained by kim marks. Remember that your in text parenthetical citation should include the name of the specific edition of the bible followed by an abbreviation of the book the chapter and verse s. Citation machine helps students and professionals properly credit the information that they use. Even in an academic research paper you may find that you want to cite the bible as a source.In your works cited include the title of the bible the version and the publication information. C est ainsi que l archange michaël l archange gabriel et l archange raphaël incarnent leur statut de chef parmi les anges. As with any source you have to cite the bible if you paraphrase or quote it in your text. However you must include an in text citation anytime you reference these texts in your writing. Here are some examples for citing print and online editions of the bible.
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